Monday, August 4, 2014

Opening Days: #totallyrossome Heads Back to School

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This week at #totallyrossome, we're looking at the most important time of the school year - the opening days. You get one chance to make a first impression, and the opening days of the school year are your chance to set your tone.

When I started teaching, Mrs. Jenkins, who may or may not have had stories about little Walter Disney was like as a tyke, told me I was not to smile before Christmas. "They need to know that you're in charge." I'm not so good with the not smiling, but I learned quickly that what was not set early in the year would become battles later in the year.

Just a few thoughts and resources on the beginning of the school year:

How do you get the year started? What do you always do? What have you found you will never do again?

Join us Tuesday, August 5 at 10 PM EST as we get totally into the beginning of the school year.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love it when I stumble upon an old post written by someone I know and on a topic that is near and dear to my heart....first impressions and the first day.

    First you have to worry about what you are going to wear on the first day of school and how you are going to make your first impression and then make that impression

    Then I think you have to think about what the kids expect and let them know if you will meet their expectations and make sure that you leave them salivating to come back the next day

    There are no days more heavily choreographed than my first and last.
